God’s Story for Africa
Help unreached peoples in Africa hear the Good News and follow Jesus
Giving Goal
The total cost (food, housing, transportation) for one person to participate in the project is $118. The overall budget for a story development project is $4800.
Your gift to God’s Story for Africa will help make it possible for thousands in Africa to hear the good news about Jesus.
To seek and save the lost
Bible story discussion group
God’s Story for Our People
Your support of this project will help train African pastors and church leaders to equip their church members to use Bible stories to reach their families, friends, and neighbors with the gospel. Through Bible story discussion groups, thousands of people are hearing and understanding the good news about Jesus, deciding to follow Him, and growing in their faith in Him.
More about God’s Story for Our People Workshop
Most of the world’s unreached people groups are oral communicators. They pass on their family and community values and history orally – through stories.
Bible stories allow us to communicate the gospel in the same manner that the people we are ministering to pass on their own cultural history and values. Oral Bible stories in a people’s mother tongue, their heart language, are a very effective way to communicate the gospel to any people group.
А 4-week God’s Story for Our People Workshop prepares 50 stories in the local language. Pastor Solomon, in Zambia, and his team have already prepared stories in half a dozen languages; these stories are being used very effectively in-home Bible story discussion groups in Zambia and Malawi, and similarly in Kenya, Tanzania, and beyond.
Through God’s Story Workshop, we equip 'coaches'—pastors and church leaders—then mentor them as they train local Christians to prepare Bible stories in their heart language, and to use the stories to reach their own people with the gospel. Bible stories and Bible story discussion groups are very effective for evangelism and starting new churches, and also for discipling new Christians and training new leaders for the church.
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3320.2 – Africa Bible Story Project
GlobalGrace Fellowship
c/o Missionwell Service Center
222 E. Glenarm St Suite B2
Pasadena CA 91106
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