Be A GlobalGrace Prayer Partner!

Pray for the advancement of Christ’s command to make disciples of all peoples, that they will form vital, reproducing, indigenous fellowships, and their transformed lives will impact their culture toward righteousness, justice, productivity, and mercy.

Please Pray:
Pray for an end to the on-going persecution against believers in Northeast India.
Pray for house churches in China that are being coerced to join the State-run “House Churches” as a means of stopping the growth of the true house church movement.
Pray for the people of Malaysia as the Malay Bible has now been banned and for the use of terms such as “evangelism” or “evangelistic” and “conversion”, etc. are no longer allowed in Indonesia and Malaysia.
Pray for protection for a team of ours who was recently kicked out of Asia and that the work would be able to continue there.
Pray for Michelle S in the Congo and for funding for her feeding program for impoverished students of Hope School.
Pray for the devotional teaching and evangelism that is going on daily at the HopeAnew Children’s Center. Pray that we will make the way of salvation known clearly to the children who attend and that God will open their hearts to respond.
Ask God to continue to strengthen our team in Kenya and help them to remain firm, but gracious in their interactions with those who are opposing them and wanting to take the property their evangelical Children’s Center is located on. Pray that they will continue to wait patiently for God to make His will known and that they will unmistakably recognize it.