Frequently asked questions?
I have a heart for missions. Where do I belong?
GlobalGrace is broad enough to support your vision and small enough to work personally with you and your home church. GlobalGrace is ideal for the self-motivated, self-directing missionary whose God-given vision may not fit with other agencies.
How do I know if I belong?
If GlobalGrace might be right for you, pray about it and give us a call or send us an email. The first step to becoming a GlobalGrace missionary is to fill out a preliminary questionnaire and send it to us. This will give both of us a chance to get to know each other before entering into the longer and more complete application process. GlobalGrace is a friendly and low-pressure environment. Our goal is to help get you to the field doing what God has called you to do.
Can God use your prior career and life experiences in missions?
Absolutely! Andrew & Jennie Mitchell started Go Ye Fellowship, now GlobalGrace, and became missionaries as a second career. Andrew worked as a commercial artist in the advertising business and started his own art company. Jennie was a teacher, mother, and housewife.
What type of backgrounds have GlobalGrace missionaries had?
accounting l airline mechanic l baker l building contractor l business manager l carpenter l computer programmer l electrical engineer l elementary teacher l factory worker l financial administrator l high school teacher l hospital administrator l hotel management l journalist l interior design l mechanical engineer l media production l military officer l nurse l painter l paramedic l pastor l photojournalist l pilot l property maintenance l sales and public relations l secretary l wholesale trader l writer
Can someone become a missionary after they retire?
Yes, age is not an issue with GlobalGrace. Several people have joined GlobalGrace after retirement. You can, too.
Full-time missions?
Are you looking into pursuing a career in full-time missions? Congratulations! Those involved in missions not only enjoy the blessings of serving the Lord in reaching souls for Christ, but it can also be very interesting and adventuresome as you experience a new host culture and all it has to offer.

How can GlobalGrace help?
Is your church ready to send you but lacks the administrative means to get you there? GlobalGrace provides the vital connection between missionaries and their sending church by:
Providing missionaries accurate, efficient administration and quality services with minimal overhead expense.
Providing donors with easy credit card and auto deduction capability, and tax-deductible receipts.
Providing churches with the missing link of field mentoring for accountability.
Do you and your present mission agency have different visions on where to go from here?
Occasionally, seasoned missionaries feel led to change directions while serving on the field or desire to specialize in areas or locations their agencies cannot offer oversight. GlobalGrace is equipped to assist during these transitions to help them go smoothly for the missionary and his/her church and donors.
How do I maximize effectiveness?
To maximize your effectiveness as a missionary, it is beneficial to find a missionary sending agency that complements your personality, ministry style, and needs. Some agencies will have a set mode of ministry, including geographical location and a chosen people or religious group. Others may ask you to join an existing team on the field. All of these are good, but you may have a different vision for ministry. You will need to find an agency that is a good fit for you. GlobalGrace has several advantages which might interest you:
Are you wrapping up a career in some other field and God is leading you to invest in His kingdom as a missionary? If so, consider going as a second career.
Are you already a missionary serving with another agency? We encourage all missionaries to stay with their organization whenever possible, however, if God has you considering a new ministry channel that does not match the goals of your current organization, GlobalGrace may be right for you.
Flexibility and cooperation in a sending agency like ours are important, especially when a missionary needs to serve alongside two mission organizations. GlobalGrace can partner with other organizations when needed to make the ministry as effective and strategic as possible.
How does GlobalGrace partner with churches?
GlobalGrace recognizes the centrality of the Church as the goal, the fruit, and the source of the Great Commission. We partner with U.S. sending churches to place cross-cultural workers around the world. Churches often rely on missionary sending agencies like GlobalGrace to supply the infrastructure, non-profit platform, and expertise for global outreach. We partner at any level which best serves the church and the missionary. After the strategies, plans, and budgets are created by the missionary and the sending church, GlobalGrace reviews, advises, supports, and oversees the process.
Does GlobalGrace partner with other mission agencies?
GlobalGrace often works with other agencies to get a missionary to the field or to assist them while already serving. Our goal is to see the nations reached for His Kingdom. If this means working with another organization, either US or foreign-based, GGF is open to and flexible enough to consider such arrangements. These are often referred to as seconding to another organization, which simply means two organizations working together in different capacities in order to provide the right platform for the ministry of the missionary.
Next steps…
Discover how you can be a part of the GlobalGrace family. Explore ministry opportunities and get the conversation started. We would love to hear your story and share a little of ours.