GlobalGrace is an evangelical, interdenominational faith mission that assists people in answering God’s call. We love our missionaries serving in more than 40 countries. We are the kind of agency missionaries love to work with.
To empower Jesus-followers to multiply disciples in every tribe, language, people and nation. We encourage and train these disciples in forming or joining vital, reproducing fellowships, as their transformed lives exert a transforming impact on their cultures toward righteousness, justice, productivity and mercy.
To raise up individuals called by God; empower via training and resourcing; Aim at global unreached; and plant reproducing disciples.
Advance the Great Commission through evangelism, discipleship, church planting, leadership training, media, medical care, orphanages, teaching, storytelling, feeding the hungry, camps, Bible translation, tent-making, humanitarian outreach, deaf ministry, teaching business skills to help exploited women, refugee ministry, and much more…

GlobalGrace empowers missionaries by providing:
Support through prayer, contact, and fellowship
Regular communication with home office staff
Links to ongoing higher education opportunities
Help with financial management and administration
Attractive administrative assessment
Simple IRA retirement plan
Field visits by home office personnel
Short-term missions projects and partnerships
Appropriate missionary training, mentoring and coaching for cross-cultural effectiveness
Partnership tools for supporting and sending churches
Trained and experienced member care
Our Passion.
To see all languages, peoples, nations and tribes surrender to Jesus Christ and His life-giving grace.
Our Strength.
One of our strengths is that we welcome any missionary with a God-given vision that advances the Great Commission. We are fully committed to advancing the Great Commission, but totally flexible in the ways our missionaries do this.
Our Flexibility.
GGF is flexible regarding age, training, and background. GGF missionaries come from a wide range of professions but their common thread is a passion and vision for advancing the Great Commission. We also partner with churches and other agencies to enable cross-cultural workers to serve around the globe.
What We Believe
GlobalGrace Fellowship and all its members affirm their belief in and defense of the historic Christian faith as set forth below:
We believe in one true God, the almighty Creator of all things, existing eternally in three persons—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
In the unique divine inspiration, entire trustworthiness, and final authority of the Bible as the very Word of God in all matters of faith and conduct, without error in the original manuscripts.
That all human beings have been created in God’s image to live in holiness, love, and caring rule over the earth and are of sacred worth in every stage or condition from conception through natural death, morally bound to be valued and protected. God immutably created humans as male and female, two complementary genders which together reflect God’s image so that marriage has only one meaning: the uniting of one man and one woman in a single, exclusive union which is the sole place for sexual intimacy.
That in Adam, we humans became rebels against God, were alienated from him and each other, corrupted by sin in every part of our being, and justly subject to God’s wrath for our sin and guilt.
That Jesus Christ is fully human and fully divine, was supernaturally conceived by the Holy Spirit, lived a perfect life, assumed the judgment due us sinners by dying in our place, rose bodily in triumph over death, and ascended to the Father as Savior and Lord.
In pardon and justification by God’s grace through Christ’s substitutionary death to all who repent and put their faith in Jesus Christ alone for salvation.
In the convicting work, transforming power, and indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit, who gives to all truly regenerate believers a new nature and power for obedient service.
In the unity of all who are truly regenerate through faith in Jesus Christ, manifest in worshiping and witnessing churches making disciples throughout the world.
In the future personal return and victorious reign of Jesus Christ, who will judge all people with justice and mercy, giving over the unrepentant to eternal condemnation, but receiving the redeemed into eternal life in glorified, resurrected bodies.

GlobalGrace Fellowship History
Go Ye Fellowship, traces its history back to the early 1930s when Andrew E. and Jennie Mitchell received a vision for foreign mission evangelism.

GlobalGrace Fellowship, formerly...
Go Ye Fellowship, traces its history back to the early 1930s when Andrew E. and Jennie Mitchell received a vision for foreign mission evangelism. At their local church in Los Angeles, Jennie organized a Sunday School class for young married couples. Calling themselves the “Go-Ye Bible Class” after Matthew 28:19, they pledged $50 a month for missions, wrote letters of encouragement, and met weekly to intercede for each missionary by name.
Jennie challenged the class to take on the full support of one of their own couples and send them out. First one couple, then another, went to southwestern China. Next a couple left for Borneo, and another for India.
Soon the Mitchells’ son Hubert and his wife Helen, along with their children, obeyed God’s call to Sumatra and were included among those supported by the Go-Ye Bible Class. Helen died on the field in 1940 following childbirth.
1936 Bible Class Turned Fellowship
By 1936, the senior Mitchells saw the need for a stronger home-support base, and the Go-Ye Bible Class became the “Go-Ye Fellowship,” an interdenominational missions group.
Over the years, Go Ye ministries included a missionary training institute, radio programs, Bible studies, rallies, field visits, fund raising, art, literature and printing, in addition to sending its own missionaries and helping to encourage and support others.
1944 Incorporation
When by 1944 the growth of the Fellowship necessitated incorporation, the mission became “The Go-Ye Fellowship, Inc.” Soon Go Ye could claim workers on every habitable continent.
Hubert Mitchell married Rachel Edwardsen, a Norwegian missionary, after the Lord brought them together in a remarkable way.
Jennie and Andrew trekked across continents bringing the good news of Jesus Christ, visiting and encouraging the Go Ye missionaries. Andrew died in 1964, and Hubert Mitchell took on leadership of the mission in 1967. Jennie continued to minister worldwide until her home going at 92 years in Nairobi, Kenya in 1977.
1993 New Leadership
In 1993, Go Ye President Hubert Mitchell handed the reins to Bill Gustafson. At that time the mission had 34 missionaries; several had been with Go Ye from our early beginnings.
In order to build relationships with the worldwide missions community and draw on advanced resources for a growing number of missionaries, Go Ye moved in 1993 to the William Carey International University campus, across the street from the U.S. Center for World Mission in Pasadena.
Go Ye Fellowship brought its missionaries together for its first Convocation in January 2004. After 11 years as President, Bill Gustafson turned over the leadership to Gordon Rohn. By this time the mission had grown to just over 60 missionaries
2007 means 75 years of service
The year 2007 occasioned a grand celebration of Go Ye's seventy-five years of missionary service. Go Ye missionaries and friends came from the far corners to gather for a feast of food, fellowship, and praise to the Lord. A special delight was the presence of one of Go Ye's first missionaries, Bob Williams, “Borneo Bob”, at 95 years old.
Most of Go Ye’s pioneer missionaries had gone on to their reward or had retired, resulting in a work force that is, on the average, considerably younger.
The summer of 2012 brought Go Ye missionaries from all over the globe for a week-long “Family Reunion” in celebration of Go Ye’s 80th anniversary. Close to 100 missionaries (with kids), Go Ye staff and leadership, speakers, and special guests gathered in Big Bear California for a time of fellowship, teaching, and worship with “soul care” as the theme.
Today Go Ye Fellowship - GlobalGrace - includes 80+ missionaries, working throughout the world..