Serve with GlobalGrace today…
because God can use you.

First Step
Thank you for your interest in serving with GlobalGrace. Before you take any official steps, we'd love to get to know you and give you a chance to get to know us too. You may want to talk and pray with someone from our Leadership Team. This will give you a feel for who we are and how we do things and may help clarify or confirm God’s leadership and guidance in your life. Then, if you still sense God’s leading, we can help you initiate "next steps" as they become appropriate.
Contact us… and we will set up a time for a chat.
How to register
The questionnaire below helps us determine if a person is a good fit and is ready to partner with GlobalGrace. To begin this process fill out the preliminary questionnaire or use an alternative method at the bottom of this page.
Preliminary Questionnaire
Alternative Methods
Download the form and enter your information into the expandable PDF or MS Word format. You may save either form to your computer and email it as an attachment to info@globalgrace.org. You may also print either format, handwrite your answers, and fax or mail it to us.
GlobalGrace, 2001 West Plano Parkway, Suite 3429, PLANO TX, 75075 Fax: (469) 825-4984