Preparing to Serve
Beginning steps to serving with GlobalGrace
GlobalGrace works with each applicant step by step to make sure they are spiritually, emotionally, and physically prepared.
We work hard to care for our applicants.

Steps toward serving:
Step 1
Candidate completes and submits a preliminary questionnaire.
Step 2
If it seems the candidate might be a good fit with GlobalGrace, the candidate will be sent an application packet.
Step 3
Candidate prepares and completes the application packet, including:
Personal/biographical information
Account of candidate’s conversion
Explanation of candidate’s call to missions
Description of candidate’s God given vision for ministry
Reference/referral letters
Personality Profile Questionnaire
Signed Statement of Faith
Step 4
Completed application packet is reviewed and presented to the Personnel Committee.
Step 5
Upon acceptance, the new missionary is assisted by the Home Office Staff.
Introduction to bookkeeping process
Completion of human resource documents
Resources for fund raising and donor relations
Step 6
Upon successful fund raising, passport and government visa requirements, and completion of all required documents, the missionary is approved to leave for field of service.