Mission Trips

Opportunities to serve in short-term missions


Off The Grid

Live in a challenging place while blessing those who live in great poverty.

Manual labor. No modern conveniences. Off the grid living for the sake of the gospel.

Are you ready to rough it?

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Hope Club

This Bible club ministry for children ages 4-13 meets whereever children can be gathered. They receive a Bible lesson, sing songs, memorize scipture and are taught to pray. They are introduced to Jesus Christ and the need to trust Him. .

Can you share the gospel and use your skills to teach kids who have little hope?

Hope For Schools

The Kenya government provides an incredible opportunity for Bible instruction in the public schools (called Pastoral Program Instruction). The Hope For Schools project is sharing the gospel with children who have little or no knowledge of Jesus.

Can you share your skills, share the gospel, and share hope with children who need TRUTH?.



Children’s Home

Faith Village Children’s Home is a safe haven for children who are orphaned, abused, in danger, or have been trafficked for child prostitution, slave labor, or rebel armies.

Use your skills, education and experience to help these kids become committed disciples of Jesus.

Hope International School

An exciting opportunity to teach at Hope International School in Cambodia serving expat children and their families.

Are you a teacher? Are you ready to serve?

Maybe this is a good place for you to use your skills and training.


Musician Training

Help train local songwriters in their writing, worship leadership, vocals, studio set up, recording sessions and more.

Christian artists can use their skills, talent and experience to help these South Asian artists shine the light of Jesus among people who have never heard the gospel.




Refugee Outreach

Team members are needed to help with outreach efforts to refugees, mostly from Muslim countries, who are coming to Europe for freedom.

Join the team and reach out to those who are in desperate need of a Savior, many of whom are open to Jesus during this very difficult time in their lives.


Oakes Christian Camp

The Oakes Holiday Center provides an action-packed camping experience for more than 2,000 young people each year, while presenting the Christian message in an engaging way.

Use your skills, experience and training as a part of the Oakes team.

Are you ready for camp?

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Refugee Ministry Vision Trip

Join other leaders on a vision trip to see and experience refugee ministry in Greece.

Hear the stories of new believers who found life in Christ after their long journey to freedom. Help refugees as they arrive from Afghanistan, Syria, and Iran. Share the gospel and a message of hope. Plan to bring teams back in the future.


Central America and Mexico




Ministry to the Deaf

Isaiah 55 Ministries has the privilege of hosting short-term mission teams from all over the US.

There are opportunities to participate in projects such as construction, mercy ministries, VBS, ESL, sports, and medical missions.


North America





A 10-day cross-cultural immersion in the Buddhist, Hindu, and Muslim communities of Los Angeles. Make connections, build relationships, and share eternal hope with the nations.



Can’t find what you are looking for?

Contact us.

GlobalGrace staff are ready to help you connect to mission trips around the world.
