Middle East
GlobalGrace missionaries are meeting urgent needs through ministries around the world.
The Middle East is an ideal place for tentmaker or entrepreneurial creative access ministries. If you are interested in being a part of reaching this region through prayer, financial assistance, or volunteer service, contact GlobalGrace so we may assist you in making a valuable contribution.
About the Middle East
The Middle East has been in the news enough that you are aware of some of the challenges and problems that exist. Although the vast majority of the people in most countries of the Middle East are Muslim, Christians, Jews, and people of other faiths are present. The Middle East has been a difficult area for missions for a long time. While we do not see that changing anytime soon, we know that God loves each of them and desires that they have a chance to hear the gospel.
Evangelism and church planting are needed in the region. Working with, and encouraging local churches and believers is important.
GlobalGrace Fellowship is excited about what God is doing in the Middle East. Our missionaries often share the need for more workers. The ratio of population per missionary in the Middle East may be the lowest in the world. We are praying for growth in this area.
Are you called to minister in the Middle East or to Muslims? Perhaps GlobalGrace is the mission for you. If you feel God calling you to give to ministry to Muslims, we can connect you with a missionary needing support or a project that needs funding.
Support GlobalGrace
GlobalGrace is supported by the generosity of churches and individuals. Your gift will fund the ongoing work of GlobalGrace and its missionaries serving throughout the world.
Meet our missionaries not in the Middle East
GlobalGrace has workers in the Middle East who are doing their part to see things change in this region. We believe that the gospel is the only change agent that will work. For security reasons, we do not reveal information about these missionaries.