GlobalGrace missionaries meet urgent needs through various ministry projects throughout the world.
Pray for Asia
Pray that doors for the gospel will remain open, for the evangelizing and discipleship of young believers and for leadership development.
About Asia
Central Asia
Central Asian countries often have names ending in "stan", e.g., Turkmenistan or Tajikistan. The people of this region are primarily Muslim, although other faiths, including Christianity, are present. Islam is strengthening its hold on the "stans" but Christianity is growing as well. The challenge is great but the need is greater.
East Asia
With more than 1.5 billion people, East Asia is home to 25% of the world's population. It is also experiencing the fastest Christian expansion ever. Even though there are a growing number of believers, there are many people groups that are untouched by the gospel. There are opportunities to serve in many traditional and creative ways.
South Asia
GlobalGrace has been involved in South Asia for many years. The people of this region are mostly Hindu, although Islam and Christianity are present. South Asia can be a difficult region for a missionary but is well-suited for entrepreneurial creative access ministries or Christians who want to work abroad in a secular occupation.
Southeast Asia
Southeast Asian countries are squeezed between the Indian and Pacific Oceans. Nearly 700 million inhabitants make Southeast Asia one of the most populated regions in the world. The region’s people represent Buddhists, Muslims, Hindus, and animists who have never heard that freedom is found in Christ. There are many ways to serve as a missionary in Southeast Asia.
Support GlobalGrace
GlobalGrace is supported by the generosity of churches and individuals. Your gift will fund the ongoing work of GlobalGrace and its missionaries throughout the world.