

Hope Teachers Support

Support teachers and provide fee-free education for more than 400 students

Giving Goal

$14,400 Annually

$100 pays one teaher for one month.

$14,400 supports 12 teachers for one year

The Hope School

The Hope School is an extension of the ministries of the Nouvelle Communitie d’Ésperance church (New Community of Hope) and a quality Christian education was identified as a need in the community soon after the church was founded. The community has been very involved in the building of the school and continues to help with maintaining the grounds and buildings.

A Missionary Project




More about the Teacher Support project

Complexe Scolaire de l’Espérance (Hope School) is located in a former refugee camp on the outskirts of Goma, Democratic Republic of Congo. It is a primary school with six levels serving some of the poorest students in the Goma area. Hope School employs 7 teachers and 1 director. Supporting a teacher allows the Hope School to offer a fee-free education to more than 400 students. Parents are still responsible for paying for their children's supplies and the additional fees that the government requires. 

The Eastern Region of Congo has been an area of constant violence for decades. There are numerous armed militias and rebel groups that frequently attack villages and smaller cities in the North Kivu Province. Many of the students that the Hope School serves have been displaced from their villages due to this violence and instability. Their families seek refuge in the city but come to the city with very few personal belongings and no job prospects. They will generally settle in the Mugunga Quarter of the city, but they don’t have the funds to send their children to school. The Hope School was started with a vision to serve these children. The vision for transforming communities of conflict into communities of hope begins with education. 

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GlobalGrace Fellowship
c/o Missionwell Service Center
222 E. Glenarm St Suite B2
Pasadena CA 91106

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