A Cautionary Tale

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Kimberly and Francis K serve with GlobalGrace in Nairobi Kenya. As directors of Hope Anew Ministry, they reach out to children with the Gospel of Jesus Christ and instruct them in God’s Word through Bible Clubs, camps, recreation, arts & crafts, puppets, etc….

In her role as Hope Anew Children’s Director, Kimberly creates teaching resources to engage children with the Word of God in creative and fun ways. She also trains others who are interested in an outreach to children.

During the start of the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020, much of the Hope Anew Ministry came to a halt because of the government’s restrictions on public gatherings. God opened a door, however, for Kimberly to participate in Bible Clubs online with other children’s workers, through the Zoom platform. Kimberly says, “I was preparing Bible lessons weekly and thinking about various ways to communicate the Gospel and other Bible truths in ways that would open understanding for children. Because I had a lot of free time, I was also teaching myself how to draw using a digital art program and I desired for God to use the abilities He has given me to use for His glory in whatever way He wanted. I asked Him to help me make children’s tracts and short stories to communicate and illustrate biblical truths; A Chicken’s Story is my first attempt at doing this.”

Kimberly does not have formal art training but her love for arts and crafts of all kinds leads her to eagerly search for new skills to learn and projects to begin and complete.

Working with children and teenagers has been the bulk of her ministry experience. The children are from a wide variety of family situations but Kimberly and Francis have a special interest in children from impoverished areas, whether in urban cities or rural villages. They realize that God just wants them to be available to go to any area that He opens, where children are gathered.


Although many children in Kenya have heard the story of Jesus before, Kimberly says. ‘They don’t necessarily have a clear and concise way that invites them to consider their need of the Savior, what He did for them and how, and how they can have a relationship with him.”  A Chicken’s Story is clear and concise and presents the gospel in a straightforward way that children can understand.

A Chicken’s Story is an E-Book that presents the story of Chik Chik, a disobedient little chicken who did not obey his mom’s instruction – with a disastrous outcome for Chik Chik. When asked about the straightforward approach of this story, Kimberly responded, “This story illustrates a truth that it is vitally important for all of us to understand, including children, so that we can choose wisely the choice that God puts before us.”

Kimberly continues, “Generally speaking, from the Bible clubs and groups that I have taught over the years, children have a good understanding of what sin is and have no problem giving examples when asked. I have found that their response to the eternal consequences of sin and what Jesus did for them, creates a desire in their hearts for Jesus to take their sin away.

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During times that I have counseled with them for salvation, it is very apparent when the Holy Spirit is working in the heart of a child who clearly has understood that they are a sinner and need Jesus to rescue them. Their demeanor is sober and eager to come to JesusTheir hearts are still tender and not yet hardened to the things of God because of the deceitfulness of sin and the wicked influence of the world. It is no wonder that Jesus tells us, ‘let the children come to Him and do not forbid them because such is the Kingdom of Heaven.’”

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Pray for Kimberly and Francis as they plan to resume ministry to children in the impoverished slums of Nairobi. Pray that A Chicken’s Story will be used in a powerful way to present the truth of the gospel to those who don’t know Jesus.

Enjoy a FREE DOWNLOAD of A Chicken’s Story.

Kimberly K serves with GlobalGrace in Nairobi, Kenya


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