Always a Way to Share the Gospel

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Training Christian storytellers in West Africa is a strategic way to share the gospel. Story-crafters, mostly students from the local university, develop a set of 42 stories in West-African French, and produce a good audio recording of each story. These story-crafters eventually become story-tellers, leading their own story discussion groups.

During the closing ceremony of one of the training projects, one story-crafter said, "Now I always have a way to share the gospel. Not everyone will listen to an evangelistic message, but everyone loves a story. Now if I don't do evangelism, it’s not because I can’t, it's because I don't want to!."

E went with one of the story-crafters, Alys, to a local market. On the way, Alys told the taxi driver the story of Jesus calming the storm. Then she asked, ‘Do you know Jesus?’ He said, ‘No, but I would like to.’ So Alys shared the gospel with him, and he prayed to receive Christ.


  • For many students and others to come to the story discussion groups; for many group members to get a vision for starting and leading their own groups

  • For wisdom for the story-tellers in selecting and training new story group leaders

  • For many people to come to know Jesus through these stories, and grow strong in their faith

W and E serve with GlobalGrace, training Christian storytellers in West Africa.


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