Bryant and Anne
GlobalGrace missionaries are funded by voluntary gifts from individuals and churches. Your gift supports the ongoing work of this GlobalGrace missionary family.
More about the Wilhelmsens
At a time when the world is completely in turmoil, the Wilhelmsens can see how God is establishing His great and divine plan in Central Europe.
Bryant and Anne have been working with Uprooted Peoples since 1980. They are often involved directly with government agencies and others serving the great increase of migration throughout Western and Central Europe. Their ministry involves counseling, feeding and housing programs, evangelism, church planting, and much more.
As thousands of Uprooted Peoples seek an alternative to the only religious beliefs they have ever known, the Wilhelmsens are witnessing a great harvest for the Kingdom. As global migrants flee war and strife in their home counties, they are finding new life in Jesus Christ. God has answered prayers by bringing the world's most unreached right into the neighborhoods of Europe. Bryant and Anne let their light shine among uprooted neighbors as the Holy Spirit draws them into God’s eternal family plan.
Ministry Details
Bryant and Anne Wilhelmsen minister among Uprooted Peoples in Central Europe focusing on humanitarian and spiritual needs of global migrants fleeing their home countries.
Ministry to Refugees
We are seeking team members to help with outreach efforts to refugees, mostly from Muslim countries, who are coming to Europe for freedom.
Join us as we reach out to those who are in desperate need of a Savior, of which, many are open to Jesus during this very difficult time in their lives.
Dates: Flexible
Location: Central Europe
Team: Flexible
Cost: TBD