Pushing Fear Aside
As a self-professed procrastinator for the first 40 years of my life, I've found new energy after 40 in conquering fears that used to paralyze me.

Coping With Global Trauma
The things that seemed solid are now liquid and what seemed dependable is not.

Could Jesus be coming to us again in the guise of an Afghan child?
Mary and Joseph, desperately searched for shelter and warmth as their holy child entered the world. Later, they fled as refugees to Egypt to escape death at the hands of Herod’s soldiers.
Going and Giving
‘Some people give back to God by going to the world, others go by giving.’

Celebrating Thanksgiving overseas is also an opportunity to build a bridge to the gospel story.

The Least Of These
These children risk life on the street which usually means begging, poverty, no education, and no hope of a future!

Hope When It Hurts
After 4+ years of no symptoms, 10 months ago, shockingly, they returned. And every emotion came storming back as well.

Five Myths Christians Believe
I used to believe that as long as I was “doing the Lord’s work,” God would protect me from physical harm with some kind of magic force field.

When God Knocks
I don’t care what anyone’s selling, don’t come knocking. If I need something I’ll go get it myself.

Managing Your Expectations
Everyone has expectations when going to the mission field. Most expectations are “tempered” by realities on location. Some things turn out easier than anticipated, some not.

Guide to Emotional Health
Missionaries fight monumental giants of isolation from loved ones, plus stress of learning new languages and cultures.

Sifting and Pruning
I’d reached the point in my own self-estimation that I was cocky enough to invite the Lord to prune me.

Preparation for Missionary Service
How does one go about emotionally preparing for being an outsider in a foreign culture?

7 Moorings in the Journey
What do you do when you sense God’s Spirit moving in your life? How do you respond with steps of obedience?

Is It Worth The Risk?
We were detained by government authorities and prohibited from leaving. We were subsequently interrogated over a period of 60 days Was it worth the risk?

The Enemy’s #2 Weapon
What excuse is keeping you from becoming a missionary, What is your reason for not taking the Good News to all nations?

Celestial Table Talk
Jesus, being in very nature God, was actually going to make Himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant! Shocking!! The rumor mill leaped into action.

Protection from Persecution
This isn’t a fake battle. Persecution is real. People get hurt; some die.