Prayer for the Uprooted


This Afghan shoe repairman sells or works on leather shoes in a bazaar in Pakistan. He is most likely a Tadjik or Pashtun. Thousands like him have fled poverty, unrest, and war in their home countries to seek a better life elsewhere.


Seeking peace and fulfillment in their lives, many uprooted Muslim people find refuge in neighboring countries, hoping they will ultimately be able to get to Europe. Their physical journeys are often risky and dangerous. Some use any skill they have to earn enough money to care for themselves and their families. Many live in massive refugee camps, rely on the kindness of others to meet their needs.


Pray specifically for Urdu speaking Afghan refugees, some of whom have found new life in Jesus while seeking asylum Pakistan and in Europe. Pray for Christians who are trying to meet their physical and spiritual needs. Ask God to move in the lives of these uprooted people and reveal Himself to them.


Welcome Home


6 Steps on the Missionary Path