Dolfi and Gilagwenda
GlobalGrace missionaries are funded by voluntary gifts from individuals and churches. Your gift supports the ongoing work of this GlobalGrace missionary family.
More about the Maundas
Working together with the government to start Christian schools for the children, the Maundas are also church planters, starting new churches in unreached places that don’t have a church.
The Maundas focus on the Datooga, an unreached people group living in a very remote area of Tanzania, Africa. They concentrate on discipleship of believers and encouraging and training pastors so they can plant churches among their own people.
Ministry Details
Dolfi and Gilagwenda ‘Gil’ Maunda are serving among the Datooga people with a focus on evangelism, discipleship, church planting, and development.
Ministry Projects
GlobalGrace missionaries lead ministries that best meet the urgent human and spiritual needs of the people they serve. You can help fund these special projects and become a partner in their ministry.
Datooga Church Buildings
Provide church buildings for the glory of God among the Datooga people group.
Goats and Bikes
Provide goats and bikes to pastors and evangelists who are planting churches and reaching the un-reached Datooga people in remote areas of Tanzania.
Datooga Secondary School
Provide a Christian school for the Datooga people in the remote bush of Tanzania.
Datooga Primary
Help build schools and increase
literacy and church planting among Tanzania’s Datooga people.
Pastors School Sponsorship
Raise up local believers to become evangelists and train pastors to become church planters.
Ministry Vehicle
We desire to purchase a Land Cruiser with a hard top to conduct our ministry to very important and remote places.
Indigenous Church Planting Extended Education Sponsorship
For students who have graduated from high school to get an extended education to manage the projects among the Datooga in the bush.
Children Ministry Teacher’s Salaries
Reaching a generation with the Gospel - as part of the goal of reaching the unreached in these remote areas these free Christian schools are an important part of transforming an entire village.
Yamawega Student Scholarship
The Yamawega Secondary Student Scholarship Program pairs eligible students from the Datooga communities with education sponsors in the US and worldwide.